中国桃花源国画院院长.世界华人华侨总会湖南工作委员会名誉主席谢迪威 谢迪威,中国工艺美术学会会员、中国美术家协会会员、中国桃花源国画院院长。代表作《春满桃花源》、手绘瓷器精品《鸿运当头》.《人间仙境张家界》等集中体现了其艺术风格。曾多次在国内外美展中获奖,并参加过大型拍卖。出版有《世外桃源》、《谢迪威国画集》等多部画集。其传略简历分别被收入《中华人物辞海》、《世界文化名人辞海》、《东方之子》等几十部辞书中。Xie Diwei,is a member of the Chinese Industrial Arts Society,member of the Peach Blossom Academy for Traditional Chinese Painting,with a college background.His representative works“Peach Blossom Land in Spring”and “Zhangjiangjie:A Fairyland on Earth”fully represent his distinctive art style and have won awards and have been sold at auction.He has published Shangri-la,A Collection of Tradional Chinese Paintings by Xie Diwei,and other albums.His biography has been included in dozens of dictionaries,such as Dictionary of Chinese Profiles,Dictionary of World Cultural Celebrities,and Talents of the Orient.